Happy New Year from Kelly, Pete and the team at FrequencyCast! Let’s hope it’s set to be a great of tech!
The first show of 2016 has just been released, a couple of days later than planned, due to a very busy start to the New Year. In this show, we take a look back at the last 12 months of tech and make a few predictions – not only about the future, but about the weather.
What’s in Show 119:
Here’s what we cover in the latest episode of FrequencyCast:
- News: BBC hacked, EE recall and AVG issues
- Focus: Tech Review of 2015
- Discussed:Weather with Jim Bacon
- Discussed: Hyperlocal crowdsourcing
- Feedback: Power cuts and Pi VPNs

How To Get The Show:
You can download Show 119 to your smartphone, computer or MP3 player, or you can listen to the show online at https://www.frequencycast.co.uk/latest.html , where you will also find instructions on how to subscribe (for free, of course).
Got an iPod, iPhone or iPad? Get shows and updates first via iTunes: https://www.frequencycast.co.uk/redirect.php?id=additunes
Show Links:
- Show notes: https://www.frequencycast.co.uk/cast117.html
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Until the next show… Share and Enjoy!