The show notes to go with Show 123 of our technology radio show.
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Show 123 NEWS
Here’s a look at the news stories covered in Show 123:
- First up, a reminder that time’s almost up if you want a free upgrade to Windows 10, from either Windows 7 or 8. More than 350 million machines are now running 10, and the price-tag flips from free to £89 on 29th July. Not everyone wants the upgrade though and one user’s recently been awarded £7,500 by Microsoft after her machine was upgraded to 10 without her permission. Windows 10 users can expect a significant upgrade in early August with a bunch of new features including enhancements to Cortana, and a pen input called Windows Ink.
- If like our Kelly, you’re paranoid about online privacy – don’t look Google’s new “My Activity” service. This site presents you with a full breakdown of what it knows about you – where you’ve been from Google Maps, what you’ve searched for, your YouTube activity, and more. Is this a handy way of looking back on your history with the non-evil Google, or a scary wake-up on what they’ve discovered about you? Let us know!
- Sky customers note that Sky Movies will now be known as Sky Cinema. Offering a new movie premier every day, more on-demand films and better quality, Sky say this will bring their service closer to the cinema experience – but no mention of overpriced popcorn and kicks kicking the back of your seat. In August, Sky Cinema will include The Martian and Star Wars 7.
- Watch out for Wileyfox – This UK firm makes smartphones with a very low pricetag, and they’re work taking seriously. The New Spark uses a non-bloated version of Android called Cyanogen. This operating system makes use of the TrueCaller database to do an Internet lookup on incoming phone numbers, so you know who’s calling. It also flags up incoming telemarketing calls. The new Spark is available for £90, but for a little extra, the Spark+ offers a decent amount of RAM and some impressive specs for a budget smartphone. More: Wileyfox Spark
- And finally. A robot lawyer has successfully overturned 160,000 parking tickets in London. The free online service DoNotPay, created by 19 year old, has a 64% success rate of appealing tickets and winning. It’s now available for New Yorkers too, and can be used for PPI and flight compensation claims
FOCUS: Show 123
Show delays – an apology
Due to problems with our web hosting company, Peer1, we had to take an unscheduled break… but we’re back! Thanks for bearing with us!
Friends Reunited
The end of the first online social network, Friends Reunited. We look back
Antenna Testing
A short extract of an interview with Mike Mertel from SteppIR antennas. For the full interview, go to Essex Ham meets SteppIR

Clever Dog Home Security Camera
Details of the Clever Dog camera here: Clever Dog Camera on Amazon

Key trackers
One of our interviews from Wearable Tech 2016
Monitoring your sweat
One of our interviews from Wearable Tech 2016
Smart Watch Straps
One of our interviews from Wearabkle Tech 2016

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Cast 123 Interaction
Thanks to everyone who got in touch with us since the last show. In this show, we respond to the following mails and calls:
First off, a big thanks to Scott Simpson for making a donation to help keep us on-air. Really appreciated! To help us out, go to
Spencer Ralph asked on Twitter:
“@FrequencyCast just wondered if you know how the Sky Q box runs 4 satellite signals down 1 cable to allow record of 4 channels.”
It looks like you need two cables and a new LNB to be installed on the dish. The new LNBs are wideband, so one can cover all of the horizontally polarised channels, and the other, the vertically polarised ones. It does seem that the new LNB that gets fitted may not work with older Sky boxes, or Freesat though, so check before you but. There’s a link on our show notes. Anyone who’s been Sky Q’ed – please get in touch!
Alan Johnston got in touch:
“Could you please tell me if i am able to get the full sky tv package of discovery on freeview even if i have to pay for it, if not will it be available and when”
It’s not on Freeview, but it’s on Sky, Virgin and BT, as well as TalkTalk TV and Now TV. Links to a special offer on today’s show notes – go to and look for show 123
Ian Barnes asked the following:
“I have bought a Panasonic HD DVD recorder but there is no scart lead access. Can I use the HMDI lead to download from Sky +? If not is there any way round the problem?”
Recording HD from Sky over HDMI onto DVD isn’t really an option. Also, HDMI only does video, not sound. You’ll need to use one of the other inputs on the DVD recorder, I’m afraid. Let us have the model number Ian, and we’ll try to get you some concrete ideas.
Got a comment or question? You can leave us a voicemail by calling 020 8133 4567 or sending us a message. We’d love to hear from a few more of you, so please get in touch and say “hi” – our shows are driven by your feedback – So talk to us!
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