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Amateur Radio Licence Changes On The Way

At the RSGB Convention 2013, some key amateur radio licence changes were discussed. Pete and Kelly discuss what may be in the pipeline for radio hams in the UK.

Listen to FrequencyCast Show 93 - Includes Ham Radio UK licensing news

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Ofcom Amateur Radio Licensing Changes:

Transcript of Pete's summary od the RSGB 2013 Convention, and news of ham radio licence changes.

Transcript continues from Asda 3D People Printing



Finally, a little bit of sad news. In the last show, we talked about Cambridge, and their plans to win the Solar Challenge in Australia. Unfortunately, as you can see from that picture there up on our screen, Kelly, it didn't go well for the boys and girls at Cambridge.


No, well basically what happened was, they crashed just days before they were actually due to start, so they didn't get to compete at all.


Poor Cambridge, and poor Resolution. Our thoughts are with you, but next year we'll be cheering you on.


Well, you will silently be doing it, just so you don't jinx them again.


Just before we move onto interaction, Kelly, M6KFA.




Very good. Yes of course, that's Kelly's amateur radio call sign. Do you fancy a quick bit of amateur radio news?


Go on then, why not?

Kelly Foundation Training


I went up to the RSGB convention in Milton Keynes a couple of weeks ago, to find out what's new in the world of amateur radio, some hot things coming up – I can tell you're excited!


Oh, very – edge of my seat!


Do you know what, I met Joe Taylor, the man that invented JT65.


That is amazing actually. I did see your pictures going up on Facebook and Twitter – yeah, very impressed.


I felt a bit of a groupie. I went, oh hello – I love your protocol!


Oh, dear!


Well, news of an Ofcom consultation that's coming up next year, which is quite an interesting one – one call sign per amateur, which is going to upset a lot of people that collect call signs, myself included; also, discussion of how to make people progress to intermediate; and also changes to the secondary prefix, so if you're in Scotland, you put in another M, and if you're Wales, you put in the W – do you remember all that from your course?


I do actually, yes.


Well, that all might be changing as well, so lots of news. Have a look at the link on our website (RSGB Convention 2013 Report), if you want to find out more, and I'm going to hand you this piece of paper – look at that.




Yes, I'm now the holder of an American amateur radio licence.




You had to ask, didn't you? – you had to ask.


Well, of course I did – it seems a bit odd, you don't live there.


In the UK, you can sit the American amateur exam, and for a laugh, and for the £10 it cost me to do it, I went in, sat the exam and passed, so I'm fully-licensed to operate in the US at 1.5 kilowatts.


I don't know anyone that would do that.


You're not impressed, are you?


I'm worried about you.


I need a lie down.


You also now need a holiday to America, to make this worthwhile!



Listen to FrequencyCast Show 93 - Includes Ham Radio UK licensing news

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